As the legislative session winds down, investors and leaders of the West Michigan Policy Forum heard from Michigan Representative Matt Hall of Comstock Township about legislative priorities and the future. Rep. Hall will serve as the Republican leader for the 2023-2024 legislative term.
The conversation focused on lame duck, education, talent attraction, and growing Michigan’s economy. Looking to the end of the year, Rep. Hall counseled investors that it’s unclear what, if anything, will happen before 2023 because of the current political dynamics.
Looking ahead, investors and leaders called on Rep. Hall to make sure education policies focus on improving the success of Michigan’s kids. Rep. Hall agreed, noting, “Our job is making sure the accountability is there.” A number of attendees brought up the unenforced A-F grading law and recent statewide test scores as major disappointments.
Rep. Hall brought up his opposition to instituting a progressive income tax and stated his focus on supporting economic policies that will grow the Michigan economy. Connected to economic growth, he noted a top priority will be maintaining a united front in opposition to repealing the successful Right-to-Work law. The law, which was championed by the WMPF, has led to increased business investment and economic prosperity in Michigan. Democrats have cited their plan to repeal the law that would return power to unions, weaken worker rights and suffocate business growth.
As the conversation wrapped up, everyone on the call agreed that it’s important to focus on what’s best for Michigan.